What is Committee Connect?
Committee Connect was created to facilitate connections between Wisconsin legislators and researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, one of the top research universities in the country. As another example of the Wisconsin Idea in action, we aim to provide high-quality, objective research to committee leaders on the issues they identify and are working on. Since 2015, we have connected more than 50 committee chairs and ranking minority members with more than 70 UW-Madison researchers. Committee Connect is an initiative of the longstanding Wisconsin Family Impact Seminars with support from the UW-Madison Chancellor’s Office and La Follette School of Public Affairs.
Content block headline one
Legislators will have easy access to UW-Madison research on issues early in the legislative process, when they are discussing ideas and developing legislation.

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Committee leadership and their staff will:
• receive research-based information that can be used to build better public policy for families, communities, and the citizens of the state of Wisconsin.
• gain a deeper, more comprehensive base of knowl

“I think this is a great partnership. A great practice of the Wisconsin idea. Very helpful in creating evidence-based policy.”
Democratic Representative