Professor Adams’s research aims to make the infrastructure management process more efficient and integrative, using new technology and enhanced processes that support strategic decision making.
Green, Gary
Professor Green’s research, teaching and outreach focus on the relationship between economic development and community change. His current research projects focus on the deindustrialization of rural America.
Hora, Matt
Professor Hora conducted a study of 141 Wisconsin employers (biotechnology and manufacturing sectors) and postsecondary educators to better understand the “skills gap” in the state.
Klingele, Cecelia
Professor Klingele’s research focuses on criminal justice administration, with an emphasis on community supervision of those on conditional release.
Massoglia, Michael
Professor Massoglia’s work focuses on the social consequences of the expansion of the penal system, the relationship between the use of legal controls and demographic change in the United States, and patterns and consequences of criminal behavior over the life course.