Professor Massoglia’s work focuses on the social consequences of the expansion of the penal system, the relationship between the use of legal controls and demographic change in the United States, and patterns and consequences of criminal behavior over the life course. He currently is researching the relationship between incarceration and neighborhoods (e.g., racial composition). His next book will focus on Prisons and Health in the Age of Mass Incarceration. Massoglia grew up in northern Wisconsin and earned his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Minnesota.
Outcomes of early release programs, impact of expungement, prisoner reentry into society, prisoners’ mental health, incarceration’s impact on family functioning and children’s outcomes, stigma of incarceration on prisoners’ families, the effects of incarceration on health (e.g., premature adult mortality, psychiatric disorders and disability, infectious disease, and stress-related illnesses), and age-related patterns of offending over time.